7th Pan-European stakeholder consultation for the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)
PESC-7, took place from 3-5 July 2023 in Kastamonu, Türkiye.
Objectives |
Expected outputs |
- Informal discussions between NFPs and other experts to analyze and discuss IPBES documents that will be reviewed during IPBES10 (the review of the IAS SPM will be the focus of NFP dialogues at the end of July so this meeting focus on discussions around the rest of the documents by the stakeholder community);
- Promote stakeholders’ engagement in IPBES’ work;
- Support networking and exchange of best practices at pan-European level;
- Strengthen collaboration on biodiversity research at the pan-European level, including Central Asia.
- Better understanding of the IPBES processes and opportunities, including links with other processes;
- Shared experience and strategies on contributing to the IPBES work;
- Discussing the IPBES work programme;
- Discussing the Nature Futures Framework as a tool for decision making;
- Discussing the IPBES task force work plans.
- Discussing how to review the Summary for Policymakers of the Invasive Alien Species Assessment
If you would like to take a look at the full provisional programme, you can find it available for download here: PESC-7 Provisional Programme.